Do you ever wonder what I did when Mr. Banks not around?
I go for a swim. Yes, someone once told me that you don't need classes to learn. You need a pool to learn how to swim and practice everyday. He also added, when you sink, you go right up. I believed him. I am getting pretty confident with swimming, NOT! :P
I go to Central. Actually, there are other shopping centres in Pattaya but I like this the best. It's new, clean and most importantly, they have loads of toilet. Essential for the weak bladder.

I eat, eat and eat. l like going to Central's food court. Okay, I like food so I browsed through the top floor and food court to satisfy my cravings. I love Auntie Anne's. Me and Mr. Banks once had it for breakfast with disastrous effects on HIM.

On our way to Bangkok, I had to go for a pee. I hate toilet bowls like this so I took photo.
We stayed in Park Plaza Hotel. Photos taken while Mr. Banks went for a swim. :)

The Bed - I stayed on the left side, Mr Banks on the right. It's massive at least for my asian body. :P

Everything is touch technology. Don't you just love it? This control is on my side of the bed.

The fridge

And presenting, the Porno Toilet. We didn't know that they had blinds initially so we devised a plan on how to shower without seeing each other's thingy. LOL!
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