I didn't think that blocking out when you get drunk is possible until it happened to me.
I used to think that people only use the block out excuse to get away with their naughtiness. People simply doesn't want to take responsibility on their stupidity.
I was wrong. I experienced the block out first hand. Here is the tale of the girl who wanted to have a good time with her girlfriend before flying back home:
I met up with my friend Doris last Sunday for a Tequilla Night. We got a 500ml bottle of Tequilla thinking that we can handle it. She can, I CAN'T. As I remember, it only took us 2 hours to finish the whole bottle. On the first 30 minutes, we called Donna and we were half way thru the bottle then. I can feel the alcohol kicking my system, I felt tipsy but happy. I can only remember 3 things during that night, I drunk call Luke twice and Kent, Doris would take me to roll from her bed to the floor and I threw up. Luke picked up my drunk calls and Kent didn't. Thank God! Her bed is at least 3 feet high. I remember falling 5 times.
Doris said:
1. I drunk call Luke and Kent. So confirmed.
2. I spoke with Luke and I told him that I am drunk and "we are gonna TOGETHER in two weeks time". Please confirm sexy.
3. We rolled 8 times. She said that we were counting.
4. We drunk call Donna. Confirmed. I listened to her voice mail.
5. Doris was spanking me and was giving me wedgies while speaking with Luke.
6. I threw up. Confirmed. Saw the residue the next day. Eeww! BUT she told me that I didn't succeed the first time that I grabbed the door handle. I fell on the floor and wasn't able to go straight to the toilet. I remember walking straight and was pleased with myself for being independent.
Half my memory was gone that night. It was the most fun drinking night we both had. :P
Now, I have a big problem. I think I might have UTI from drinking. I have trouble peeing. My lower abdomen hurts everytime I go and it burns! I need to lay off on the drinking for now and drink more water. I will def see a doctor once back home. So much things to sort out. Me and my dear brother are gonna go furniture shopping to replace all the things that we lost in the flood. ATM, we haven't got telly, DVD player, he lost his video cam and Laptop, we don't have a cooking stove, washing machine and fridge. All the essentials. We even lost both our graduation pictures and year books. Hopefully, we can both request for a replacement. This thing sucks but at least all is safe. Let's continue on praying for our family's safety.
I used to think that people only use the block out excuse to get away with their naughtiness. People simply doesn't want to take responsibility on their stupidity.

I met up with my friend Doris last Sunday for a Tequilla Night. We got a 500ml bottle of Tequilla thinking that we can handle it. She can, I CAN'T. As I remember, it only took us 2 hours to finish the whole bottle. On the first 30 minutes, we called Donna and we were half way thru the bottle then. I can feel the alcohol kicking my system, I felt tipsy but happy. I can only remember 3 things during that night, I drunk call Luke twice and Kent, Doris would take me to roll from her bed to the floor and I threw up. Luke picked up my drunk calls and Kent didn't. Thank God! Her bed is at least 3 feet high. I remember falling 5 times.
Doris said:
1. I drunk call Luke and Kent. So confirmed.
2. I spoke with Luke and I told him that I am drunk and "we are gonna TOGETHER in two weeks time". Please confirm sexy.
3. We rolled 8 times. She said that we were counting.
4. We drunk call Donna. Confirmed. I listened to her voice mail.
5. Doris was spanking me and was giving me wedgies while speaking with Luke.
6. I threw up. Confirmed. Saw the residue the next day. Eeww! BUT she told me that I didn't succeed the first time that I grabbed the door handle. I fell on the floor and wasn't able to go straight to the toilet. I remember walking straight and was pleased with myself for being independent.
Half my memory was gone that night. It was the most fun drinking night we both had. :P
Now, I have a big problem. I think I might have UTI from drinking. I have trouble peeing. My lower abdomen hurts everytime I go and it burns! I need to lay off on the drinking for now and drink more water. I will def see a doctor once back home. So much things to sort out. Me and my dear brother are gonna go furniture shopping to replace all the things that we lost in the flood. ATM, we haven't got telly, DVD player, he lost his video cam and Laptop, we don't have a cooking stove, washing machine and fridge. All the essentials. We even lost both our graduation pictures and year books. Hopefully, we can both request for a replacement. This thing sucks but at least all is safe. Let's continue on praying for our family's safety.
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