The filipinos got me good. I never expected a proper programme from them. I thought that we are just gonna have dinner and drinks but I was wrong. I really felt extra special that day and I will miss everyone for sure. :(

If there's one thing that represents my personality, it has to be a megaphone. Their unanimous vote. :P

I got so much presents that night. Melay gave me Mac and Max Factor make up. She knows that I am building a make up set. Others gave me flowers, chocolates, framed photos and a digital photo frame. Thanks Everyone! I won't forget all the kindness that you have shown me.

Melay gave me her, It's just a date book. I just finished reading it. Yes, I have been to the self help phase. It is good to have some extra help sometimes. BTW, I was crying through out the whole programme.

Ailema and the Megaphone. :)
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