Our flight was not until 5:55PM so when Kuya Louie suggested a trip, we said Yes without hesitations. He promised cold springs, cave and falls. Believe or not, it was my first time to all. Living in the Philippines most of my life, I tend to take for granted what my country has to offer. That's why I plan to travel around my country and promote it as much as possible to my foreign readers(that is if I have one apart from my stalker. :P).
We paid, 250 pesos to get in the Basang Cave and Cold Springs Resort. It was very cheap considering that it paid for 3 people. Check out the photos below.
We paid, 250 pesos to get in the Basang Cave and Cold Springs Resort. It was very cheap considering that it paid for 3 people. Check out the photos below.
That's me scaring my sister. She is scared of drowning. When we saw Oprah's story about dry drowning, it made her even more paranoid. My God!
Photo inside the cave. Sorry my camera isn't powerful enough. It was actually beautiful inside. My dear sister didn't come with us. She is scared. As expected.
This was taken on top of the falls. Could look higher with better angle.
I was gutted that I wasn't able to enjoy the cold spring nor the falls. My period was on its heaviest on that day. :(
At 3PM, we arrive at the airport. We opt for an early check-in. When we get there, we were told that they moved the flight to 4:50PM. The thing with budget flights is that, they move flights without informing the passengers through text. My mum informed me later that night Zestair emailed her. Who checks her email constantly while on trips? We don't. Kalibo airport is very small so it was very congested in the departure gate. They don't have enough seats for all. To make things worse, we rode a single engine airplane which seats 60 people back to Manila. My sister was scared! She was praying the whole time. Upon touch down, people started clapping. They were scared for their lives. Because of the heavy traffic, we got home at 9PM. I was so tired that last night.
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