I have a confession. This is the only trip were I didn't take control. Although I've been dying to go to HK for years, I have nothing planned for this trip. I'm usually prepared with maps and planned itineraries but since I've been going on trips almost every month since April, I let my family took control. With less planning, I have less expectations therefore less stress on my part. When I go on tours, I turn into a psycho. I MUST SEE everything. I think I've relaxed now. I am okay with just going with the flow and chilling out. After all, I have other people with me on the trip, I need to be considerate especially with the parentals growing old.
Believe it or not, we rarely shop abroad. We are more like the travelling, I must see and experience everything family. We only went shopping twice, once in JJ Market and LV in Paris. I was supposed to buy a handbag but decided against it. On our second day, my aunt took us to Stanley Market, to the Peak and to the Kowloon side.

I love what Dolly is wearing. Wish she gives me her boyfriend's blazer. It fits me well. Merry Christmas Dolly! :) I started calling her Dolly after she dyed her hair ginger. She reminds me of
Blythe Dolls as well.

Found at Stanley Market. These Buddha reminds me of someone. Hahaha!

Way to pass the time Mr. Driver!

View from the Peak. It was very cold then. I died! It was better at night time. We went to the viewing deck and paid 20HK Dollars each. Not advisable. You can see the same view from the nearby park.

My aunt and my mummy. So you all know, they are very opposite. My aunt is very girly whilst my mum is a tomboy.

My Mandatory Christmas Decor Photo. It is Christmas Everywhere in HK! I love it!!!

And the Mandatory Stupid Photo. I look so normal. Surprisingly!

In Kowloon I think. I died seeing all the Christmas Decors. This is just the entrance to the shopping centre. Please Philippines, be like HK Christmas Decor Wise. I am missing the old lively, decor covered houses and shopping centres. I used to joke about houses burning with Christmas Lights. What happened?? :(
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