This year has been a very productive year for me. I met new people that later became my friends, I went on trips abroad - Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore, I went everywhere in the UK - Thorpe Park, Brighton, Bournemouth, Bristol, Oxford, Windsor etc, I went to countless Museums especially the free ones, (stingy blood runs in me,it will never change), I went to loads of parties, I live life the way I should be, I got a new handbag *wink*, I have a boyfriend who makes me happy, I have a job that pays well for a student and most of all, I learn to enjoy life. I am only 23 and I shouldn't stress myself out thinking so much about the future like I used to.
Summer on the sandy beach of Bournemouth.
Oxford Trip. Photo by dear sister.
Malaysia Trip with my Family.
Year of the Bday Parties. I attended so much bday parties this year.
Thorpe Park with my friends.
One of my night outs with friends.
Somewhere in Bristol with my dear boyfriend. *cium*
Halloween Party with Friends.
Singapore Trip with my family.
My goal for 2009 is summarised into 5 things, stop procrastinating, change to "yes I can attitude", be womanly, cultured and strengthen relationship with people. Hope I do well! :)
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